Cherish The Seasons
In the last few years, God has revealed a cycle He takes me through to mature me and understanding the process has helped me during the tough times. I know where I am in the cycle, that any hard times are temporary and that I will come out closer and more like God. It helps me push through and appreciate everyday. He begins by guiding me into a new area that can use improvement or needs healing. It's usually revealed it to me in situations where I am uncomfortable or where my 'normal' decisions cause an outcome that isn't ideal (think banging my head up against the wall over and over and over). Once I realize this can't be the best way, I seek out the better way…..I ask God 'what are you trying to teach me?' It usually takes going through a similar situation multiple times before I get my answer. The lesson can be revealed through a sermon, a friend, the Bible, or sometimes He just shows me. Then He teaches me how to walk in my n...