Faith Over Fear

By Dana Crawford

“Then Simon Peter drew a sword and slashed off the right ear of Malchus, the high priest’s slave.” John 18:10

“Again Peter denied it. And immediately a rooster crowed.” John 18:27

When Jesus was arrested, we see two very different sides to Simon Peter.  He was a fisherman who, although untrained in combat, was willing to draw a sword to protect Jesus.  He was ready to fight professional soldiers trained to kill without mercy.  Only a few hours later, he denied even knowing his best friend; the man he declared was “the Christ, the Son of the Living God;” the one he swore he’d never leave.  Peter walked away, feeling defeated and scared for his own life.

How can these two reactions come from the same person and what changed the courageous Peter into the fearful, retreating one? 

When Peter was willing to risk his life, Jesus was standing alongside him, strong and confident.  When Peter denied Him, Jesus had been betrayed, arrested and beaten.  The man he completely believed in and had given up everything for, appeared to have been defeated.  Peter must have been confused and heartbroken.  His world and faith were shaken to the core and, in that moment, his fear won.

Isn’t this a place we all come to at least once in our lives? 
When we feel close to God and all is going well, we are bold.  But when our world is shaken, when God feels far away and things fall apart, we have a choice to make.  Do we remain strong in the truth that He will never leave us, or do we believe the lie that things are hopeless and surrender? 

Peter was left to question Jesus’ fate, but we have the benefit of knowing the rest of the story.  Rather than being defeated, three days later Jesus conquered death by overcoming the grave!  Because we know this truth, we can stand firm in our faith even when the circumstances of life make it look like we have been defeated.  We have victory through Christ’s resurrection!

Thank you Father for seeing us through the blood of Christ!  Give us the ability to stand by your truth and promises when we are in difficult seasons.  Give us the boldness to keep moving forward and not give in to our fear.  Jesus, thank you for choosing to be the sacrifice for us and giving us victory!
