Finding the Glory in the Lackluster
Reflections on Luke 2:1-20
From the earthly viewpoint, Jesus’ entrance into this world was lackluster and full of controversy. He was conceived outside of wedlock, apparently through a sinful relationship. His family was refused shelter so he was born in a barn crowded with livestock and all that goes with that. From that earthly standpoint, Jesus began his life at a great disadvantage.
But in the next few verses, we are told that an angel of the Lord revealed himself to the shepherds and that the glory of the Lord shone around them. The angel declared that he brought “good news that will bring great joy to all people” and told that the Savior, Christ the Lord, had been born. The angel was joined by the armies of heaven and they declared “glory to God in highest heaven and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
What could’ve been seen on Earth as a challenge or difficult time was celebrated in heaven as a triumph. It was an event worthy of an angel of the Lord and the armies of heaven revealing themselves to people. I wonder how often we mislabel seasons in our lives as setbacks or hard times, when the truth is they are the birth of something amazing. Overcoming the situations we see as the most difficult can be powerful weapons in the spiritual realm used to release God’s plans in our lives and on earth.
When we are faced with challenges, remember that what appears to be insignificant could be a mighty work of God. Praise God for his grace that gives us strength in these times and a vision for what he is doing in our lives. Focus on the truth that God has a good plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and that he will not fail or abandon us (Deuteronomy 31:6).
Lord, I thank you for having a perfect plan for each of us. I thank you that you are using us, no matter how humble or extravagant our past is. I pray that you would open our eyes to the spiritual truths in our difficult situations. That, even when we don’t understand your plan, we would trust you and cry “glory to God in the highest of heaven.” Jesus, thank you for trusting in your Father’s plan and submitting yourself to it. I pray all of this in your amazing name.
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