Who I Am, Who God Is….According to God

Lord, forgive me for believing that I am defined by my mistakes.  The real me is redeemed and perfected in Christ because of your sacrifice.   Continue teaching me to see myself through your eyes—spiritually redeemed and perfected, while growing into the person you created me to be.

So much of the time, I define myself by my mistakes. This may be how I sometimes act, but this is not who I am in Christ.  I am redeemed through Jesus and forgiven. God sees me as He has created me to be and is guiding me through each step I need to go through to become that woman.  I am involved in the ultimate chess match and He has every move planned. He gives us a glimpse at how the match ends and we win.

Lord, help me to yield to Your direction rather than make decisions without seeking Your guidance.  

Amidst the thoughts swirling around in my head, this prayer is what finally dominates. When I focus on Him rather than the busyness around and inside of me, I am able to see the big picture and it seems like common sense.  'God loves me and wants the best for me.  He is taking care of me and guiding me to become the person He created me to be.'  But when I get bogged down in day-to-day life, when I take my eyes off Him and His plan, I get scared and overwhelmed.  I see my imperfections and say 'they are me' rather than 'they are my mistakes.'  I forget all about how God saved me and how much he has changed me, and think about everyone who's hurt me or let me down (including myself) and expect the same from Him.  

God, forgive me for lumping you in with the flawed humans around me.  Forgive me for lumping you in with the human who needed your redemption more than anyone…..me.

When I expect you to act as I would or as I expect others to, I am acting
as though we are the same.  Help me to see the truth—You are faithful, loving, forgiving and protective of your children.  You aren't capable of letting me down, you aren't capable of being unloving.  You aren't capable of abandoning me.  You are my biggest fan and the love of my life.  You will discipline me, but out of
love rather than anger.  

Help me to look towards You when I am fearful and overwhelmed.  Help me quiet my doubts and fears enough to hear your still small voice when you whisper to me.

Graphics shared from http://holleygerth.com/free-words/
